about my blog

my blog is about life and what i think of it. i have been told i give good advice so if you need some one to talk to im here :) any questions i would be happy to answer them

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

blog 7

Wow i haven't posted in a while. Alot has happened that has been hard to deal with lately.... When you hear the word death what do you think of? I think of a sad moment shared between people, a moment to cope with their loss. It scares me to think that some day every one dies. Out of every thing that someone goes through, death to me is the hardest. Heartbreak comes and goes along with fights. Loss follows you every where. You may feel okay for awhile, but there comes a time when you crash. I hit that time. In a matter of 2 months i lost three people that ment so much to me. Two of which had deadly disseases. I am not someone who likes to talk about how i feel all the time and when this all happened i didn't know how to cope. I cryed weeks strait at night and for hours durring the day. Yet i managed to hide my sadness from everyone else. I still tear up at the thought of them. God can seem to put you down at times and make you wonder if he really is on your side. I was so angry to think he let this happen. I couldn't face it that this was really happening. I felt so alone and like he betrade me. But i had to learn that it was better they were with him and no longer suffering here with me. As hard as that still is, it's true. God needs angels and he only chooses the best to reside with him.

peace love life